I think there might be something wrong with batch of this tea…. It looks like dirty dish water. I mean, it’s like I went to a restaurant, entered the kitchen at the end of the night, and took some of the dishwater. That or like it came from a bucket of water mop water. It tastes about the same as this too. It’s funny though, since it looked so appealing until I poured water over it. Oh, well got it as part of a gift set for 75% off regular price and my parents paid for it, so I’ll finish it.
I’m not a fan of this blend, I usually get more of a perfume or soapy taste which I suppose could be related to dishwasher. It always turned a grayish purple for me, so while it could be a bad batch, it’s more likely that it’s just a bad blend . Try eating the candied violets though (the crystallized purple chunks), I had a co-worker who was obsessed with them.
I’m not a fan of this blend, I usually get more of a perfume or soapy taste which I suppose could be related to dishwasher. It always turned a grayish purple for me, so while it could be a bad batch, it’s more likely that it’s just a bad blend . Try eating the candied violets though (the crystallized purple chunks), I had a co-worker who was obsessed with them.
Could using boiling water and steeping for 5 minutes also be causing the problem?
Nope, since I have tried it at other temp’s and lengths of time. For me, it’s just a horrible blend.