I don’t typically try new teas during the work week, although I don’t exactly have a good reason. I think it’s just that I prefer to try my teas on the weekend, when I can really laze around, cuddle up with them, and give them all the attention and energy a brand new tea deserves. But the package just smelled so wonderful and it was so easy to know which tea was which so I just had to! Besides, I’m a floral lover, both in my tea and perfume.
In the bag, this actually smells strongly of violet, although I admit I haven’t smelled an actual violet-I’ve only smelled its rendition in perfumes and the like. This did not smell like perfume, though; it just smelled like a flower that grows in fresh earth, and that has a serious depth to it.
I have to say that although I found the tea enjoyable overall, I wasn’t overwhelmed by the taste the way the smell might have led me to believe. This isn’t to say at all that the taste was mild or weak—it was actually quite potent. it’s more that the smell was more of a strong, candied violet, while the taste was more generically sweet but also quite pleasant in that undeniable way the French have with tea. I found myself enjoying the cup more and more as it cooled though, and am really glad I have enough to make a second cup! To be honest, I’m actually a little bit relieved I wasn’t terribly in love with it: there are only so many French teas I can afford to love! Thank you so much, JustJames, for so generously sending me this sample! The world is better for your presence.