Wow. Let me begin by saying that I wasn’t exactly sure if I’d like this tea. It smelled quite tea-like in the package, and i had a bit of a tricky time getting spoonfuls of it because the long leaves don’t really lend themselves to squashing into a teaspoon, so I was all worried I’d do it all wrong and mess the whole thing up. I powered on though, and then paced around my kitchen nervously as the tea steeped. Nervous because I wanted to like it so badly, and also because I’m convinced that I somehow screwed up the caramel vanilla assam I’d tried earlier.
So I took my first sip of it straight, which I probably shouldn’t have done because I typically don’t take any teas straight (especially black teas), and it tasted really good, but I just knew it would be revolutionized with some cream and sugar. So, in went some rock sugar and a splash of cream, and i just…oh my god.
it was like drinking funnel cake, complete with the warm, dry pastry funnely bits and the powdered sugar on top. It legitimately tasted exactly like that. And there’s just something so amazing about how you feel once you’ve had your cup—it’s as if your insides got a massage, or more like a long, lingering hug from someone who “gets it”. Melodramatic much?
Anyway, this has qualified as one of the teas I’d like to take with me to work, although I’m going to have to ration it until I place my order, which I imagine will have to be fairly soon as it’s like, dependent on harvesting and stuff. Oh you leafhoppers you, you’re welcome in my tea anyday!
Another win for Butiki! Go Stacy!
It’s been a good day, and I just wound it down by enjoying some peppercorn goat cheese on rice crackers, and washed it all down with a glass of fairly strong red. Delish.
Good night, everyone!
“it’s as if your insides got a massage, or more like a long, lingering hug from someone who “gets it””—that’s a great way to put it! yay. (:
keychange…. you’re awesome. that’s all. =0)
“it’s as if your insides got a massage, or more like a long, lingering hug from someone who “gets it””—that’s a great way to put it! yay. (:
This is a very popular tea of Stacy’s. I suggest not waiting too long to pick some up from her :)
JustJames! thank you, and right back at you—seriously!
And yes, I do intend on getting this pretty quickly. I’m trying to plow my way through my samples so I know exactly what to place more orders of. So intense!