What a really nice tea I just experienced… Thank you Derk. :D
I’ve been wanting to try this given the good reviews on it. For one, it is exceptionally smooth. I always love teas that give off a comforting mouth and throat feel as it goes down.
The amber colored liquor had the aroma of stewed sweet fruits. It has very light malt notes and light sweet potatoes in the background but that’s where it ends for me comparing it to other black teas. It is nothing like any other black tea I’ve tried. The different fruits are the stars in this one. It’s one of those hard to describe type of teas and it’s wonderfully complex. There is some sugarcane and fruit sweetness, and then some tang of fruits. It is flavorful from steep to steep, full of fruit, and then there is a sweetness and aroma that is quite different… Like the sweetness of the smell of cannabis when you’re sitting at a Pink Floyd concert. The fruits I tasted were mainly of plums and grapes, muscatel, some berries. Really enjoyed this and will look out for it.
Flavors: Berries, Cannabis, Fruity, Grapes, Malt, Smoke, Sugarcane, Sweet Potatoes, Tart
you’re welcome