I’m really getting to like this green from Adagio. I just finished my third steep and was pleasantly surprised at how much I’m liking it. The aftertaste is awesome- tastes like a good warm biscuit in your mouth fresh from the oven…The general (well there is nothing general about tea), but the taste of the tea was different for each steep starting out a little sweet with not much else happening but in second steep notes come whistling through and its sweetly delicious. The 3rd steep is just as good as the second but I noticed the biscuity aftertaste the most after this one. I think this is gonna be my favorite new green from them! Dang it! I just put in an order for them 2 days ago and I didnt get any more of this…YET!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I LOVE music, tea, nature, my dogs, my gf, hiking, biking, travelling, working out, cooking…trying to live life to the fullest the best way I know how and that means drinking tea from the moment I wake up and throughout the day…green, black, white, and the occasional oolong.



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