This is one of my favorite pu-erhs. It has a wonderful earthy flavor followed by a sweet/slightly tart fruit flavor. Honestly it’s a weird taste but it blends very well together! It’s really, really good iced, too!
I got about 3 steeps out of this tea with just a tad of flavor lost on the third.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’ve been a tea drinker for over 10 years now and it excites me that there is so many more teas out there to try! I think my favorite tea right now is pu-erh.

I love gardening and love trying to sprout new seedlings.
I love learning new ways to preserve food and craft something new.
I love being outside.
I have 5 chickens, three dogs, two cats, and 1 ferret.
I love anything “witchy” and my favorite holiday is Halloween.


Salt Lake CIty, Utah

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