Update 2: After god knows how many steeps, this tea is starting to fade. I’m now getting my beloved apricot notes, although the butter flavor seems to have disappeared. Funny how flavors can kind of poke their heads up for a steep or two and then just disappear. Astringency has remained high although bitterness is fading. The vice on my head is also loosening. It’s been an interesting afternoon for sure.
Update: Jesus Christ, I’m on steep like 18 and the tea is still strong as ever. The qi on this stuff is insane. Starting to wonder if the leaves are laced with cocaine or something… Anyway, taste is getting better, more mild and with some buttery flavors creeping in. I’m gonna keep steeping—I’m determined to finish these leaves, even if it puts me in a coma.
Original Review: Got a sample of this from LiquidProust (so many samples! so generous!). I picked this tea to brew up because it has some absolutely gorgeous maocha—long, unbroken, fluffy leaves with a deep green color. The smell out of the bag was also really nice. Apricots and grass.
So it’s safe to say I started brewing this up with high expectations. Did it deliver? Er, well…
See it’s not bad. It’s just really not my thing. It’s pretty bitter and strong, with a little sweetness here and there. Very vegetal in early steeps. It sort of reminded me of drinking cheap-o green tea bags, which is something I get with really strong raw puerh. Could be I used too much leaf, I suppose.
Also side note—as I’m writing this the qi is hitting hard. It’s getting strangely hard to type, and my head is getting that floaty feeling…yikes.
All right, this is getting rambly but I take back what I said about cheap green tea—this tea doesn’t deserve that. It’s definitely getting sweeter, and less bitter. Maybe the last steeps will be softer…only time will tell.