it’s the most well-known and common type of ginseng tea in korea,
in a small tea cup with a spoonful of honey, my parents used to make it a lot because they trusted its remedial value on my cold constitution and low blood pressure.

nearly all the ginseng tea manufacturer sell this small coarse power type of ginseng tea to popularize ginseng and their other ginseng products in the long run. you don’t have to try all the ginseng teabags, most of ginseng brands make similar taste of ginseng powder tea, they’re not like tea companies who try to create appealing tastes and smells .it’s just one of the easiest way to take ginseng for health.
especially in cold days of winter, it really help refresh your body, and it’s good when you’re chilled to the bone or get a cold. and usually honey is considered as a booster for its effects and better taste.
Rating it by same standard with other ‘teas’ would be probably very hard, but i think it’s quite great, it was almost ‘korean breakfast’ tea for a while,,
but it can’t give you any joyful moments like black tea, which lets you try some experiments on your recipes.
Add more honey or not,, that’s all.

this popular korean(Goryo) ginseng is made of human shaped species of ginseng, which is called Panax ginseng C.A.Meyer and that’s why it’s wrote like 人(human)蔘(ginseng)

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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In the middle of last decade, i just fell into the baking world. After using tons of flours trying all the recipes which can be found on the planet earth from the ciabatta to gingerman in our image, after our likeliness, i found that he seemed thirsty for someone and lonely. i gave him a coke, but she was not his type. so i took a dash of milk from his flank and made a cup of tea. And I saw that it was good.



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