2 Tasting Notes


I was introduced to the original ROT Honey Ginseng at Panera’s Bread and loooooved it. And I don’t really like honey, so go figure! But I drink decaf so I was happy to find that ROT made a decaf version. It’s very good! The flavor is just as powerful as the regular. Right now this is my new favorite tea. I am obsessed with it and wish to drink cup after cup. And since it’s decaf, I can!

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drank Blackcurrant Breeze by Twinings
2 tasting notes

This has been my favorite tea now for over ten years. I get sad when I run out! My local grocery store doesn’t always carry it, so I usually order it in multiple boxes online. It’s a nice strong black tea with a confident blackcurrant flavor addition- sigh, wish it came in decaf so I could drink it at night, too. I always drink it black; sugar would be okay but can’t imagine adding milk.

4 min, 0 sec

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