10 Tasting Notes
Steeped 13th times at 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 and 75 secs each steep with 8 grs. of tea. water temperatura 190 farenheirin a gaiwan 160 ml.
Wet leaves has a wondeful deep rocky aroma. Liqour of deep brownish golden color. It’s smell so milky, so creamy. First infusional has a very very deep yanyun taste. It’s amazing powefull and intense. It’s maybe the must intense Wuyi Yancha I has ever taste. It has a large varieties of flavors: Mineral, wood, chocolat, milk, spicy, sweet and no bitter at all. The finish is very round, but it’s intensity it’s wonderful. Just with the first drink you have your mouth full of yanyun flavor. It’s a shot of flavors but all armonize them and the finishi is indescribably mineral and sweet. Second, thirth, fourth, five, six infusions keep their strength and the amazing absense of bitterness. Untill seventh infusion you can distinguish a ground sensation in the base of your tongue, but the aftertaste is so rich, so intense, so powefull. From eight to thirteen infusion, mineral notes go away very slowly but never go down completely.
Finally the tea gives you a lot of energy, is like Popeye eating it’s spinach, and at the end of the session you are full of yancha notes that say you: “you can’t forget me”.
I can’t express with words the the magnificent experience with this tea. If you are curious to know it, you must try it.
Flavors: Creamy, Dark Chocolate, Milk, Mineral, Spicy, Wood
Infused 10 sec. first steep, adding 5 seconds each next steep until 1 minute, then 15 sec each until fourteen infusion..
Wet leaves has an almond aroma, fresh, creamy, flowery. First infusion shows subtle mineral notes, almond notes, nutty notes, very sweet, round, elegant, fine and a lovely balance. Liquor of bright golden color and a sweet aftertaste. From second to eight infusion the almond notes predominates accompanied with a very subtle mineral notes a deep sweetness and an overall roundness. Difficul to resist its charm. untill thirth infusion the tea hugs me, very slowly with an irresistible seduction. Oh my God! its sweetness makes me drunk. Then I was spellbound with it’s flavor. It’s like the kiss of a beautiful woman who just brushes my lips. Then The liquor runs through my body giving it a warmth of life. Then, after the ninth infusion it’s beginning to slow down, but now I’m full of it’s wonderful flavor. It’s like the woman who kiss me goes out, but my lips remain vibrating with his memory. After all it’s beauty, it’s roundness, it’s sweetness remains now in my memory because is one of the great moments that a cup of tea gaves me. The tea vibrates and I vibrate with it. I don’t know if it’s the best tea that I was tried but it allows me to feel its essence…
Flavors: Almond, Flowers, Milk, Sweet
That’s right tanluwis. I’m enjoying a lot every sup of tea from Cindy Chen. I’m surprised with it’s quality. Then it’s our responsability as consumers to alow the growth of his bussiness in occidental countries. otherwise, where do we can find tha quality teas? We must spread it’s quality with tea lovers. And we will all win.
This is another big tea from Wuyi Origin, so balanced, so sweet, so mineral, so smooth…, but with the force of a Shuixian.
Steeped 15 sec. first adding 5 sec. each until 60 sec., then 15 sec. eah until eleven.
First steep so strong, a little bitter but with a very long Yan Yun aftertaste and a weak sweet notes. In second steep bitters almost disappear increasing the presence of the tipical mineral flavor of a wuyi tea, with smoky notes, woody and chocolat notes. Tea is beginning to round up. Thirth steep is now balanced and smooth, increasing it strong mineral notes and showing honey sweetness. Fron thirth to seven steep the tea stabilizes this flavors, increasing honey notes and rounding the mineral flavor. Aftertaste is very long. base of tongue has a nice bitter that gives strength to the tea. the complete scenario shows and outstanding and very balanced tea.
From eigth steep begins to fade, only showing honey sweetness notes, decreasing mineral and smoky flavors.
The combination of old bush with 4 years aging makes a sublime tea. If you try one time sure you’ll want to repeat the experience.
The youthfulness of Cindy Chen joint with the grandparent’ s experience shaped in this tea let shows the beauty of their souls…
Flavors: Honey, Mineral, Smoke, Smooth, Wood
Yashi is a very fine cultivar and very rare. Leaves has low oxidation with medium roasting. Since first infusion soup shows a very fine orchid aroma, floral taste, sweet, fruty and subtle floral aftertaste. It’s flavor reminds me a big tea in Taiwan: Da Yu Ling. And as this tea Yashi cultivar has a complex features, but very very soft tasting. Orchid flavor remain until fifth infusion. Then become eith more strenght with a soft bitter that contrast with it’t honey sweetness giving it an outstanding strenght, that is present until 12th infusion. Indeed, like Cindy says, is a relaxing tea, but I focus on the complex flavor that make this tea a rare flavor experience as this unusual cultivare. in summary is not an everyday tea, only for memorable events
Flavors: Flowers, Fruity, Honey, Orchids
Jinjunmei Tong Mu Guan. Tea is really outstanding, sweet, very sweet and subtle with no bitter.
Wet leaves has a deep caramel aroma. So tiny and uniform leaves shows it high standard.
Steeped 12th times, first 20 sec. addig 5 sec each untill 8th steep. from 9th. to 12th. 15 sec. each.
Soup of rich brown color. Potato smell. First infusion shos a little bitter but soon shows the extraodinary sweetness. All infusion untill 11th. are very subte, sweet, sugarcane, with bits of futal flavor rhan linger in mouth many seconds. Sweet aftertaste.
This is a very subtle tea, the best hongcha i’d ever taste. At the end, you can see beautiful, uniform leaves that shows the careful selection of them. It’s no a cheap tea but you get much more than you paid for it.
Flavors: Honey, Pumpkin, Sugarcane
Ban tian yao 2016 from Wuyi origin. very pleasant relaxing and balanced tea. It has a little smoky taste, frutal, mineral and with a pronounced sugarcane finish. This tea is very subtle, almost like a Baijiguan, but more roasted and more robust in the beginning.
Wet leaves with typical wuyi aroma with chocolat and woody notes. Medium roast.
I steep this tea with 7 gr. at 87° C. First steep 20 sec., adding 5 sec. each subsecuent steeps until 8th. steep. From 9th. to 12th. 15 sec. each and fron 13th. to 15th. 30 sec.
First infusion shows a subtle smoky flavor with typical mineral flavor and a little frutal aftertaste. This continues fron 2th. to 8th. infusion. Then soup becomes with a very nice sweet and frutal flavor that linger in mouth a lot. Total fifteen steeps.
Tea is very nce and balanced, so subtle. It remains me Baijiguan cultivar, but more complex and a little more strong flavor. It´s a relaxing tea very good to share with your friends
Flavors: Fruity, Mineral, Smoke, Sugarcane, Wood
Outstanding tea for a Rou Gui varietal. It has a very strong presence: a classic Wuyi Yancha, with a strong Yanyun at the beginning and finaly with an frutal (peach – Apple) aftertaste. It ’s quality are like a Shui Yin Gui or a Tie Luo Han, or maybe better.
I brewed 7 gr. of tea in a Yixing teapot of 170 ml. First steep 20 sec, next eight steeps adding 5 sec. each, and fron ninth 15 sec. each steep. In total Thirteen infusions.
Wet leaves has a strong rocky, mineral and chocolat aroma. Leaves has a dark color like a médium-high oxidation. very nice wet leaves.
First steep shows a classic Wuyi Yancha with personality, strong, very strong flavor predominating mineral flavor with chocolat and Woody notes. At the end a subtle fruity aftertaste. In summary, a big strong and delicious tea.
from second to fifth steeps remains the minerality, emerging slowly honey notes and remains fruty aftertaste.
last infusions begins to lost of the minerality increasing the frutal peach notes and same aftertaste. No bitter at all. very pleasant, easy to drink, but allways with strong presence.
I think this is an art piece from a Rou Gui that combines an excellent ground, beautiful leaves and a careful baking process. The perfect combination between nature and human creativity.
Flavors: Dark Chocolate, Mineral, Peach, Wood
Mi Lan Xiang Old Bushes 2017 from Wuyi origin.
I brewed in a Gong Fu 160 ml, 7 gr. of tea. After rinse, 20 sec first, adding 5 seconds each brew untill one minute, then 15 sec. next four steeps and then 30 seconds last three infusions. In total finfteen infusions.
Wet leaves has an spectacular floral and milk aroma. leaves with medim oxidation (~30%) and low-medium roast.
Liquor of ambar color, bright with a soft fruit/floral aroma.
First-Fourth steep: In mouth A little bitter, frutal with an outstanding guava, mango and passion fruit aftertaste. very very long aftertaste.
Fifth-Ten steep: Till fifth infuson the bitter was soften and emerges floral tones with a soft honey sweetness. Aftertaste has a strong and delicious tropical fruit with touches of honey.
Lasts infusions shows roundness, strong honey notes and a delicious sweet aftertaste.
Unusual tea. Different with a large spectrum of flavors, scatching perfection. Excellent relationship price quality.
When a I drank it reminds me a flowery garden wirh a lot of colors like yellow, orange, red, light green with a deep blue sky…
Flavors: Guava, Honey, Mango, Orchids, Passion Fruit
Superb Longjing. Subtle, very subtle without traces of bitter, a subtle sweetness and a very pleasant aftertaste.
We must consider that is a first pick. This mean that it has a very subtle odor and flavor.
Leaves are very small green brownish color. The leaves smells vegetal and sweet.
I brewed in grandpa style. First steep color yellow pale and flavor a little weak. Second steep shows it’s sweetnes, corn flavor, nutty flavor, a little fruity and a long lasting aftertaste. In the thirth steep rthe sweetnes is increasing, it remains a subtle nutty flavor. Fourth and fifth steep shows a subtle sweetness but never lose it´s flavor.
Consider, if you want a more strong flavor to try another longjing, but if you like sweetness and friutness you will like this excellent tea.
The difference with other type of longjing is it´s persistent flavor and longer aftertaste.
I recommend it for a special tea session. It´s not an every day tea.
Congratulations to Mrs. Li from Mexico
Flavors: Fruity, Nutty
Very nice Tieguanyin. Quality so closer to a Taiwan High level jade oolong.
First steep pale in color and weak in flavor. But fron second to sixth steep shows a strong character, floral, orchid, sweet, fruity and spicy.
From seventh ton tenth steep is begining to fade, but it has a sweet flavor and a good aftertaste.
If you like oolong tea you must prove this one