Continuing on my theme of HUGE mugs of dessert teas for breakfast…
I have enough left for one more cup after this. WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?? :(
Melodrama aside, this is a really good cup this morning. I let it steep a minute too long (argh – way to treat your precious commodities) but luckily that didn’t seem to harm it. It smelled of sweet buttery vanilla and although plain it was a little too strong (my own fault, see: oversteeped) with milk and sugar it has mellowed into Bailey’s nirvana. It’s reminding me SO STRONGLY of Caramel Vanilla Assam which is both happy (nostalgia!) and sad (RIP).
I’ve made a deal with myself that the last cup of this will be St. Patricks Day. Not before. Now just to hold myself to it…
Flavors: Butter, Cream, Vanilla