The scent out of the bag was strongly chemical. Like, I kind of got burnt sugar, but I also got the artificial notes overpowering it. Maybe it’s a new batch and the chemicals have to settle/dissipate first?
Steep notes: 1.5 tsp. leaf, 8oz water, a splash of milk, below parameters.
Okay, now that it’s brewing any artificial scent has gone away completely. I’m getting a creme brulee smell! So I went ahead and tried it straight and….what is on my tongue GET IT OFF NOW OMG GROSS.
Seriously? Is that green rooibos? That nasty herby taste in my mouth passes for a tisane?
I need some milk in this STAT if I have any chance of finishing it.
Thankfully the milk seems to take away whatever offending flavor the rooibos imparted, though knowing it is lurking beneath the surface is really ruining the experience for me. Still – creamy caramel burnt sugar is really good. And at least it was fixable – though I probably won’t seek this one out again since it is virtually unpalatable in its natural form.
Two more rooibos to go – man I hope they’re more like the Birthday cake than this one.
Weird, I thought this one was pretty good, and akin to other caramelly rooibos’.