I think my tastebuds are on vacation today. This is the third Butiki tea I’ve had today that barely tasted of anything (the last was Traditional Plum Pudding – I didn’t make a note for it). I get a hint of cinnamon and apple from this, but just a hint. And no potato.

I’m going to hold off rating this and Plum Pudding until another day to give them a fair shot.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I’m a vegan, board-game playing, avid reader who likes to run and/or lift weights depending on my mood (and current injuries).

I’m fairly new to tea, but my collection seems to be growing at an exponential rate. Herbals, greens, whites, and now oolongs are my teas of choice at the moment. I haven’t developed a taste for black yet (if it’s something you can develop a taste for).



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