I have a sample sized package of this tea. It didn’t have brewing instructions on it other than to say that it could be steeped for up to 5 min. I decided to err on the side of caution and used 70C water and steeped it for 4 min. It turned out great.

There is no astringency to it, even after 4 min. I can taste the tea base, but the mango clearly shines through. I’ve thought that other companies have had decent tasting mango teas, but I think this is the best I’ve had. Although it’s suggested that it’s good iced (I looked at the website after I made it), I prefer it hot as I feel the flavour is more pronounced.

I’m still not a huge fruit tea fan, but this one is pretty good.

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I’m a vegan, board-game playing, avid reader who likes to run and/or lift weights depending on my mood (and current injuries).

I’m fairly new to tea, but my collection seems to be growing at an exponential rate. Herbals, greens, whites, and now oolongs are my teas of choice at the moment. I haven’t developed a taste for black yet (if it’s something you can develop a taste for).



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