I’ll freely admit that I bought this one because of the name. Butterscotch Potion. It just sounds so rich and decadent. I really like the smell of it, both dry and steeped. It does smell of butterscotch.

Taste-wise, it’s not as rich tasting as I expected it to be, but that could be operator error. I steeped it at 80C instead of the 90C that was recommended, mainly because I’d rather have a weak tea than an astringent one. I’ll try re-steeping at 90C later and see if that makes a difference.

It does remind me of some coconut white teas I’ve had, but there is that definite butterscotch taste that makes it unique. I was worried that the peppercorns would give it too much of a bite, but all of the flavours blend smoothly. I’ll buy this one again if/when I make another Tealux order (I have a LOT of tea to go through first. I wish some of my friends were tea obsessed so I could swap or split orders with them).

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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I’m a vegan, board-game playing, avid reader who likes to run and/or lift weights depending on my mood (and current injuries).

I’m fairly new to tea, but my collection seems to be growing at an exponential rate. Herbals, greens, whites, and now oolongs are my teas of choice at the moment. I haven’t developed a taste for black yet (if it’s something you can develop a taste for).



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