Another lovely tea! again with the lightness… but I am now wondering how much better this would be with a proper Gawain or Asian style teapot?
So the tea… (yep, I stopped yammering on!)
When the cup was hot, I got the slightest bit of smokiness, more on the inhale than in the flavour, or maybe both but it was so quick that I barely caught it.
The base is nice and round with a hint of sweetness and a bit of a sweeter, drying finish. Now that the cup is cooling, I can see that it’s sort of a clay-like dry sensation… Did you ever eat clay as a kid? well I did it as an adult! not very bright huh. (it was a Bentonite cleanse- you don’t wanna know!)
Now, I wouldn’t say this is earthy, though you could say that clay is earth. It’s just that, well, I’ve always associated pu-erh with more of a dirt taste.
Would I buy this? I think so. I like it. I don’t love it, and again I’m still dealing with this dang bug. I have atleast two more spoonfuls left (I’d say cups but that would confuse those who resteep) so maybe it will grow on me. Of course, if this does even part of what that aforementioned cleanse was supposed to do, then heck yah I’d buy it. I wonder… hmmm. xShrugsx
Overall, I like this much more than the tea I sampled the other day though, so yay for that!
More big thanks to Jerry Ma for sending me this sample!!

Oh and for the record, I am shocked that I really am enjoying these teas. I’ve had some iffy experiences with pu-erhs and these samples have really turned my opinion around! :)

Edit: Second steep is just as good!! A little more intense on the clay when it cools.


You should be able to get at least 4 or 5 solid infusions out of most any puerh — don’t be afraid to pour some more water on those leaves! :) If you don’t have a Gaiwan/Yixing pot, just make sure you’re using porcelain. I found out firsthand it’s not good to mix an already seasoned (or Green) tea pot with your pu! Blecch!

I’ve been meaning to buy some Dayi 7542 since I got Jerry’s puerh samples a couple months back — he has so many good teas to try! Glad to hear you liked it :)


Go for it!!! these teas are amazing. I made it all the way to 6 steeps(or 5? I lost count) and it was still going strong. Only my need for sleep that bade me to stop!

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You should be able to get at least 4 or 5 solid infusions out of most any puerh — don’t be afraid to pour some more water on those leaves! :) If you don’t have a Gaiwan/Yixing pot, just make sure you’re using porcelain. I found out firsthand it’s not good to mix an already seasoned (or Green) tea pot with your pu! Blecch!

I’ve been meaning to buy some Dayi 7542 since I got Jerry’s puerh samples a couple months back — he has so many good teas to try! Glad to hear you liked it :)


Go for it!!! these teas are amazing. I made it all the way to 6 steeps(or 5? I lost count) and it was still going strong. Only my need for sleep that bade me to stop!

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