I tried this at the shop this morning. It was tasty, I quite liked it! However the caffeine proved to be a bit much, I was jitterbuggin all over the place.
The tea itself was actually a little nutty, not something I expected but I’ve noticed that in oolongs before, as they cool down. When it was still relatively hot, the tea was remarkably champagne-y without any of the alcohol burn, which I am also impressed with. However, I did find it was slightly astringent… not enough to bother me though.
I had been looking forward to my morning tea since planning out my path to work the night before, so every sip of this tea was savoured.
Would I buy it?? maybe. I am undecided on that, but definitely considering it. It isn’t complex enough for me to absolutely fall in love with it- I’m at serious like right now.
Oh, and I added a dash of agave, but I think it may have been better without.
200 °F / 93 °C
3 min, 15 sec