SO… I know this was a sample sent to me from someone, but for the life of me I cannot remember who. Thanks to the my mystery tea giver! See, after looking at all the ho hum reviews, and my shady history with the ‘nilla, I kept putting it off.
Funny thing is, I quite like it! now I regret not indulging sooner. I must be the only one here that would actually go for a return cuppa.
It reminds me of vanilla cake. Maybe even the birthday cake from DT, but less sweet and obviously, with a different base.
Very smooth, creamy, and light (two and a half min infusion). Great with or without milk!
One thing I don’t like though, is the excessive astringency. Normally I don’t mind, but in this case it interferes with the vanilla. And since this is the only time I’ve EVER found myself liking vanilla tea, well I’d like to draw it out as long as possible :P
Rating: 86
It was I who sent you that sample. :) Glad that you liked it more than other vanilla teas you’ve had in the past!
hehe thx Queen of Tarts! you rock for sending me awesome tea :P