Again, I have no basis for comparison with this tisane. But, compared to its flavored counterparts, I muchly prefer my rooibos plain. And iced.
Though it’s somehow cold down here in Southern California, I still drink it cold. I mean, it’s nice warm, but it’s really spectacular iced. I know I’m going in circles here, but… iced. This is a tisane to have iced.
It’s absolutely refreshing – more thirst-quenching than water. If I could have a pitcher of this constantly in the refrigerator, I could give up soda easily. But, unfortunately, I’m just too lazy to keep brewing and icing the tea… I need a tea slave.
This is also the only drink I’ll pay for at Teavana bars. Even though it’s way over-priced. But, if you know the people who are managers, or just old cards, you can generally coerce a free drink out of them through negotiation – “I’ll buy four ounces of this, if you hook me up with a free drink”. The trick here is that Teavana employees work on commission, and only make money for the product they sell, but not on the drinks they make. Sometimes you can spend less money on the leaf than you’d be paying for the drink.

In any case, this is a great herbal to ice up if you haven’t tried it before, though you might want to wait until the warmer months. Or, if you want to get some now, it’s also great hot, or even room temperature -a very versatile drink.


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Poet, Prosaist, Teaist, amateur literary critic, uhhh…. Sadomasochist?


Northridge, California; the city of suck



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