This is a pick me up tea as I lost an hour of sleep last night due to that stupid thing called “Daylight Savings Time.” I was horribly frustrated as I forgot to set my clock in my room an hour ahead and so I woke up thinking it was 9:30 and I would have the house to myself when it was actually 10:30 and my parents would be coming home soon from church.
Regardless, I am quite tired and I had a mate latte at a coffee shop in Burlington the other day and it was quite lovely, so I recreated it. I brewed up the mate at 195 for 5 minuets, added some maple syrup for sweetness, and topped it with some frothed soy milk. The result is an easy to make and delicious (and healthy AND a great pick me up, the perfect package :D) latte. It’s really good and I think this will be my pick me up drink of choice from now on!
I’ve come to the unfortunate realization that all of the teas on my list from yesterday won’t be able to be reviewed because I had to go to a dinner thingy last night and I stayed for much longer than expected, and I have homework to do today :( AND I have orchestra rehearsal. Meh. Regardless, I’ll try to get some of them done.
I’m really curious about mate as a replacement for coffee in the morning. How would you say the stimulation compares?
I think it actually compares really well! It does give me the same sort of effect as coffee does, though slightly less. Also, I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but when I have coffee I usually feel the effects much sooner than when I drink mate. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the other antioxidants and things in mate, or if it’s just how I react, but it does work pretty well. Yet again, it’s hard for me to say because everyone’s body reacts differently to caffeine, and so I might get it a lot more than you do.
I think it also depends on the mate, too. I find that lower quality ones (like the ones you get at the grocery store) don’t work as well on me as higher quality ones do. Also, I know that some mates are roasted, and that definitely affects ME. This gives me much more of a stimulation than those bottled ones by Guyaki, or whatever they’re called, do. I do like the Guyaki ones, but I find that the higher quality the mate is, the better the stimulation is.
Thanks. I’ll give it a try and hope for the best. I have a high caffeine tolerance unfortunately, I need 2-3 cups every morning just to get out up and moving.
Mate Factor has a dark roasted blend: That I highly recommend as an alternative to coffee. It is not only roasted yerba mate but also chicory and carob that really gives it a fuller, well-rounded flavor that is very satisfying.
I’m really curious about mate as a replacement for coffee in the morning. How would you say the stimulation compares?
I think it actually compares really well! It does give me the same sort of effect as coffee does, though slightly less. Also, I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but when I have coffee I usually feel the effects much sooner than when I drink mate. I don’t know if that has anything to do with the other antioxidants and things in mate, or if it’s just how I react, but it does work pretty well. Yet again, it’s hard for me to say because everyone’s body reacts differently to caffeine, and so I might get it a lot more than you do.
I think it also depends on the mate, too. I find that lower quality ones (like the ones you get at the grocery store) don’t work as well on me as higher quality ones do. Also, I know that some mates are roasted, and that definitely affects ME. This gives me much more of a stimulation than those bottled ones by Guyaki, or whatever they’re called, do. I do like the Guyaki ones, but I find that the higher quality the mate is, the better the stimulation is.
Thanks. I’ll give it a try and hope for the best. I have a high caffeine tolerance unfortunately, I need 2-3 cups every morning just to get out up and moving.
Mate Factor has a dark roasted blend: That I highly recommend as an alternative to coffee. It is not only roasted yerba mate but also chicory and carob that really gives it a fuller, well-rounded flavor that is very satisfying.