2 Tasting Notes
I was waiting at the mall for my dad and decided to pick up a cuppa. After much smelling and sampling, I decided to go with the Tea of the Day – Gold Rush! I mixed a little agave and some milk in it and left the teabag in the entire time i was drinking it. It. Was. Awesome. Sweet and light with a creaminess that wears the milk well. Definite new favourite, totally worth the $23!
I was at the David’s Tea the just opened up near my house and was doing my usual I-need-to-buy-a-ton-of-new-teas-right-now kinda thing when I remembered that my black tea supplies were running low (for me) and I spent about 45 minutes figuring out which teas I wanted. I finally chose this one due to it’s strong, bold scent. I usually find that black teas aren’t bold and smooth enough but this one was perfection! Even standing up to my cream and brown sugar additions! I sometimes cut it with Earl Grey or English Breakfast and that’s just as delicious.