This was the more approachable of the two oolongs I received, so I saved it for last. This is very interesting. I decided to ice it after I steeped it so it was a tad watered down, but still good.

When I think of ginger I think of the ginger salads you get as starters at sushi restaurants. I love those house ginger dressings, always so much better than anything I’ve tried in store.

So naturally that’s what this tea reminded me of. I can totally see this being served along side the starter at sushi restaurants. The rose and the ginger meld so perfectly together, a combination I would have never thought of. Light and florally with a little spice of ginger to add a depth that you weren’t expect. Now I really want ginger house salad.

1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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