This is not an official review for this tea.
More of an excuse to pop in to say hello and let you all know I am indeed alive.
We recently lost a friend suddenly.
He was 50 years old and died of a massive heart attack.
It has left us aghast, but he needs his crop harvested and other various jobs that he did, we have to take up the slack.
Anyway, I realized how busy we had really become (and sleep deprived) yesterday when, I had been drinking a large mug of this tea and it was 3/4 gone before I realized that apparently I had become distracted in the making process and added at least triple the amount needed for the one cup of tea I made for myself.
Probably my reaction would have been quite laughable if someone were there to see it.
It was rather bitter and strong at that percentage.
I cant believe I drank most of it before even noticing!
But, it did wake me up and I was able to rush about and finish what I needed too.
It was then that I decided that I should not be doing any tea reviews till I get some more sleep and my taste buds return:)
Take care, My Dear Steepsters!
I shall return soon, I hope.
(I broke down awhile ago and bought some Red Leaf Flavored Matcha, so I will be reviewing that soon I hope…stay tuned to see what flavor I bought;)


Sorry to read about your loss, and I hope that you get things sorted out quickly.


Oh my! So sorry for the loss of your friend – you are a champion to pitch in that way! May saner days come soon, and may you find rest in the midst of activity!


Rest up and I am very sorry.

Daisy Chubb

My condolences – you’re very strong Hesper. Sending good energy your way :)


Hesper my prayers are for your strength during this time. It’s inspiring to see another roll their sleeves up amidst pain and strife. I commend you.


So sorry to read about the loss of your friend, I hope you get a chance to rest (and enjoy more tea) soon.


How kind of you to do the slack-taking upping. Praying for a double dose of strength to help you finish.


So sorry for your loss, I hop you get some good rest soon

Hesper June

Thank you all for your kind words.
It means so much that I have you all as a support group:)
Hopefully things will slow down soon so we can take a time out to fully mourn our loss and get a much needed rest.


Sorry to hear about your loss! I hope things are calming down and you are able to get some rest soon! You will be missed!


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss! I hope things calm down for you soon.

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Sorry to read about your loss, and I hope that you get things sorted out quickly.


Oh my! So sorry for the loss of your friend – you are a champion to pitch in that way! May saner days come soon, and may you find rest in the midst of activity!


Rest up and I am very sorry.

Daisy Chubb

My condolences – you’re very strong Hesper. Sending good energy your way :)


Hesper my prayers are for your strength during this time. It’s inspiring to see another roll their sleeves up amidst pain and strife. I commend you.


So sorry to read about the loss of your friend, I hope you get a chance to rest (and enjoy more tea) soon.


How kind of you to do the slack-taking upping. Praying for a double dose of strength to help you finish.


So sorry for your loss, I hop you get some good rest soon

Hesper June

Thank you all for your kind words.
It means so much that I have you all as a support group:)
Hopefully things will slow down soon so we can take a time out to fully mourn our loss and get a much needed rest.


Sorry to hear about your loss! I hope things are calming down and you are able to get some rest soon! You will be missed!


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss! I hope things calm down for you soon.

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A Farmer’s Wife who drinks her tea to forget the din of the world.
Love all tea, from black to herbal concoctions.
Usually start my day with black tea and then move on to Oolong or Green in the afternoon, then finish the day with a tisane.
Loose Leaf teas are my preference, I say “Free the Leaves!” :)
When I am not drinking tea, I enjoy knitting, baking, reading, playing with one of our rescue animals or working along side my husband on our farm.

My rating system is rather relaxed:
50’s or under- Um, is this tea or did I get this from the slop bucket?
60’s- Not really my thing, certainly will not be purchasing again.
70’s- I will give this tea a few more tries to see if it grows on me , right now it is okay but not thrilling me.
80’s- Like this tea a lot. It might be a tea that I have to be in a certain mood for and therefore not a daily drinker, but try to have on hand for those “moods”
90’s and higher- ADORE! Will never be without!

I most always drink my tea plain.
No sweeteners or milk/cream.



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