This tea is Quirky.
I have had Genmaicha Tea before, but a long time ago.
I remember that tea tasted like popcorn.
This tea has a lot more going on.
Dry leaves smell like fresh cut hay drying in the sun.
As soon as the water hits it I am overwhelmed with childhood memories of saying to my mother “Mumsy, can I have a snack?” and then to be handed a Rice Cake.(You all remember Rice Cakes? For some reason in the early 90’s they were the latest health craze and my Mother was all about them)
So, A Rice Cake Nose with a bit of that grassy hay smell too.
Then taste!
Well,A Rice Cake covered in Salty Seaweed comes to mind.(not that my mother served this to me as a child)
A little bit of popcorn at the back of the tongue.
You might think after that sort of review that I will rate this low.
Well, you would be wrong.
I said the tea was quirky, and so am I.
I like it.
Brewed in my Bodum.
Very pale greenish yellow in color.
The flavors only stay strong for a couple of infusions.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Have you tried Den’s Tea genmaicha?

Hesper June

No, I have not.
This is the first Genmaicha I have tried probably in ten years…and I am not even sure what brand that tea was.
Is that your favorite, Azzrian?
I know you like Genmaicha’s.


Yes it really is.

Hesper June

Well, I will have to check it out then:)


:) Also if you order from them – get the grape sencha OMG its good!

Hesper June

Oh, My! that does sound delish!

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Have you tried Den’s Tea genmaicha?

Hesper June

No, I have not.
This is the first Genmaicha I have tried probably in ten years…and I am not even sure what brand that tea was.
Is that your favorite, Azzrian?
I know you like Genmaicha’s.


Yes it really is.

Hesper June

Well, I will have to check it out then:)


:) Also if you order from them – get the grape sencha OMG its good!

Hesper June

Oh, My! that does sound delish!

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A Farmer’s Wife who drinks her tea to forget the din of the world.
Love all tea, from black to herbal concoctions.
Usually start my day with black tea and then move on to Oolong or Green in the afternoon, then finish the day with a tisane.
Loose Leaf teas are my preference, I say “Free the Leaves!” :)
When I am not drinking tea, I enjoy knitting, baking, reading, playing with one of our rescue animals or working along side my husband on our farm.

My rating system is rather relaxed:
50’s or under- Um, is this tea or did I get this from the slop bucket?
60’s- Not really my thing, certainly will not be purchasing again.
70’s- I will give this tea a few more tries to see if it grows on me , right now it is okay but not thrilling me.
80’s- Like this tea a lot. It might be a tea that I have to be in a certain mood for and therefore not a daily drinker, but try to have on hand for those “moods”
90’s and higher- ADORE! Will never be without!

I most always drink my tea plain.
No sweeteners or milk/cream.



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