Ooo I can’t believe it’s not cocoa. Dry leaf is probably the most cocoa-y smelling tea I’ve encountered. I used the whole sample I got from Verdant in the 5 for $5 deal (which is a fantastic deal and introduction to their tea). Anyway, it looked to be about 1.5 tsp or so and I put it in 8 oz boiling.
Yum! Steeped it still retains that cocoa quality and is very… malty? Still not on board with all the terminology, but it has a very rich break-like quality. I added a tiiiny smidgen of honey because I can’t help myself, and love it even more.
Overall, fantastic! I really like this. I’d love to stock this in the future. But right now I’m trying to downsize my tea stash so I’ll have to refrain for now.
edit: Getting a few more steeps out of this that are equally yummy!