I decided to polish off my tin of this since the fall teas are in stock and I can refill it now. Normally I just drink this with just a bit of honey, but today wanted to try something a bit different. I’d hoped to make an almond milk latte of some sort with it, but was out of almond milk. So I started making it like I normally do, only to have the epiphany midway that I had some almond milk in the camper fridge. … Well, I wasn’t far off mark, it was actually coconut milk (it said ALMOND FRESH and then quietly below “coconut milk”. Bastards!) So I kinda winged it. I added about 1/2 tsp of brown sugar and frothed up the coconut milk. It was about 1:3 coconut milk to water. Yumm! I don’t know if I can go back to having this without the additional coconut milk, it added some dimension that I hadn’t really realized it was lacking before. Delicious! Still wanna try with the almond milk though.
5 min, 0 sec