148 Tasting Notes
In one of life’s great strokes of irony, yesterday morning I tried to get a free flu shot, but the clinic ran out by the time I got out of class. Today I am definitely coming down with the flu.
I’m compensating for this by eating large quantities of dark chocolate and drinking delicious, floral-chocolate oolong. Is there anything better than a good oolong or green tea?
A couple nights ago my partner was feeling sickly, and to help him cheer up I said I loved him more than books. He smiled. Than I said I loved him more than tea. He smirked and said, “don’t go too far now”.
At any rate: oolong does a body (and mind) good, and even in my stuffy sicky state this still tastes fantastic.
Wow, I love this. The liquid smells like really sweet corn or wet hay. It reminds me of living in northern California and driving by the farms in the spring and summer.
I didn’t have the heart to toss the first steep because it is so good. This has the earthiness of pu’erh without a strong musty or mushroom flavor. Instead it’s delightfully sweet. I feel like I’m drinking alfalfa (if that makes sense).
I have enough tea left for just one more steep after this, and of course now I have fallen in love. The flavor is so delightfully floral like an oolong, balanced by the pan-fired flavor of a good chinese green, and I think I taste sesame oil.
Today I’m drinking the third steep of this amazing tea. Today I smell florals along with a hint of earthyness that almost reminds me of pu’erh.
The flavor is very complex at this point. I still taste creamy vanilla and cinnamon but there is another layer of earthy/smoky flavor that almost reminds me of pine.
I got home about an hour ago from a Florence + The Machine concert (amazing), and having a cup of this before I pass out asleep. More notes later, but for now: it tastes creamy, sweet, with a hint of spiciness. Love this.
Enjoying this on a (wonderful) lazy morning before I go to work. I love the spiciness of this blend along with the hint of chocolate and floral oolong. I didn’t notice this last time, but the aroma smells very chocolate to me along with a hint of vanilla and spice.
I’ve already drank two cups of this since I came home. I know there is a debate over how much caffeine is really in tea, but I always feel so calmed after I drink a good green tea or oolong. It’s the best thing after a really long day.
Today I HAD to try matcha in a water bottle. I’ve only drank matcha a couple of times before so I feel odd giving this a numerical rating, since I don’t think I have enough experience to know whether a matcha is good quality.
It was so easy to make in the water bottle that I was a bit shocked. I put about 1/2tsp in a 12oz bottle and shook it up, and behold, matcha! I then proceeded to sip on it through the next class and feel happily awake.
If my wallet can withstand it, I definitely want to get some of RedLeafTeas flavored matchas in the future.
I just broke down and ordered some Red Leaf matcha for the first time.
It was so hard to resist with all the delightful reviews I keep reading on here;)
Cold water. I just put the matcha in my water bottle in the morning, and then added cold water from a drinking fountain and shook it up. Super easy!
I’m loving Red Leaf matcha flavors. Haven’t tried Teavana. I like your water bottle idea. I’ve used almond milk to make chilled latte, but have not just used plain water.
He obviously knows you quite well. =) Feel better soon, Claire!
Thanks Nik! I’m about to go curl up in bed and see how I feel in the morning.