Only one teaspoon of this left! Thankfully Rayn gifted me some iron goddess from Samovar, and I have lots of oolong coming in from Butiki. :)
I haven’t been drinking much oolong lately, but it remains one of my comfort teas. When the day is long and I am tired the act of measuring out the rolled green leaves, watching them unfold, and inhaling the scent of orchids as it wafts up from the cup contents me. There is so much in that little cup of pale yellow liquid.
I am going to be doing something soon that I’ve resisted for a long time: getting my hearing tested. About 8 years ago my left eardrum was damaged in an accident, and my hearing never fully recovered. I think I have known for awhile now that it was getting worse and not better, but did not really want to admit it to myself. Today my doctor referred me to an audiologist for testing, and I called them and left a message. Baby steps. I can do this!
Yes you can!
Years ago I started having problems with my right ear, which eventually resulted in having my eardrum replaced. I was deaf in that ear for awhile, not good for a musician, but then the new ear drum took! It was like a miracle! My hearing in that ear will never be as good as the other one, but I’m so grateful to have what I have. I’m the worst for avoiding doctors, but some of the miracles of modern medicine have their place!
Good for you! I had operations on both my eyes last year not realizing how blind I really was until I could see again. It was shocking! We get used to not hearing until it gets in our face like my blindness did. You’ll be glad you took this step to recovery.
Terri HarpLady – that is very nice to hear. I’m not in a place right now where I can afford surgery, but I may have to get a hearing aid as I’m losing a lot of sounds, and at this point in any kind of group environment with multiple people talking I may as well not be there.
Bonnie – thanks for the kind words. I am really scared of going deaf but as Rayn put it, it doesn’t hurt to take the steps I can towards that not happening.
Today has actually been a real whirlwind of events – the Audiologist called me back and could only meet at Tuesdays and at 4pm! After a lot more phone calls and stopping by a Professor’s office, the Audiologist will be doing preliminary tests for me today. I am a bit anxious but probably better to get it out of the way!
Yes you can!
Years ago I started having problems with my right ear, which eventually resulted in having my eardrum replaced. I was deaf in that ear for awhile, not good for a musician, but then the new ear drum took! It was like a miracle! My hearing in that ear will never be as good as the other one, but I’m so grateful to have what I have. I’m the worst for avoiding doctors, but some of the miracles of modern medicine have their place!
Good for you! I had operations on both my eyes last year not realizing how blind I really was until I could see again. It was shocking! We get used to not hearing until it gets in our face like my blindness did. You’ll be glad you took this step to recovery.
Terri HarpLady – that is very nice to hear. I’m not in a place right now where I can afford surgery, but I may have to get a hearing aid as I’m losing a lot of sounds, and at this point in any kind of group environment with multiple people talking I may as well not be there.
Bonnie – thanks for the kind words. I am really scared of going deaf but as Rayn put it, it doesn’t hurt to take the steps I can towards that not happening.
Today has actually been a real whirlwind of events – the Audiologist called me back and could only meet at Tuesdays and at 4pm! After a lot more phone calls and stopping by a Professor’s office, the Audiologist will be doing preliminary tests for me today. I am a bit anxious but probably better to get it out of the way!