drank Osmanthus by Birt & Tang
200 tasting notes

It’s all gone, thank goodness. I’ve had it at work and had lots of comments about how it’s not very manly. They are right, but it wouldn’t bother me if the tea was worth it. After all, I eat lots of houmous at work and have loads of comments about that, but I still eat it because it’s delicious and morally good (I’m a bit of an environmentalist but not actually a vegan). I had it in work simply because it was in a teabag and therefore easy to make at work, but I think I’ll find something better.

I’ve actually just had an e-mail from Birt & Tang but I won’t be getting this again. If I have anything, it’ll be their Ginger one, which is quite nice


Who cares if it’s manly or not…if you like something like it! That’s what I say!!! :P Stereotypical/gender stuff annoys me LOL :) CHEERS!

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Who cares if it’s manly or not…if you like something like it! That’s what I say!!! :P Stereotypical/gender stuff annoys me LOL :) CHEERS!

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I moved from the UK to Australia in 2015. I’ve had a fascination with tea since university, and like to try lots of different types. My preference is for real tea over other infusions: green tea, oolong and black, including flavoured varieties. I love encouraging people to try new teas. I also play the trombone.
>90: Some of the best I’ve had so far.
80-90: I love this tea, likely to buy again
70-80: Good tea. Most tea in my cupboard is in this category because it’s fine to drink it all day!
50-70: I’d drink it if it was offered to me, and I’ll drink what’s in the cupboard, but I’m unlikely to buy it again.
<50: Glad I tried it, but it’s not very nice.


Hobart, Australia



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