1 Tasting Note


I went to the drive thru. I asked for plain hot tea. I received Chai. Within a half hour, I wretched in the toilet to the point where I almost blacked out. I decided to rest. Five minutes later, the palms of my hands were on fire. I had itching on my scalp and back of neck. Then it moved to my inner ear. Lastly, my tongue bloated and hit the roof of my mouth. I could not talk. I went to the ER, and they deducted that I am allergic to chai. All of the symptoms followed a reaction that elevated the histamine into hyperdrive. I did not ask for a Chai tea. I just wanted something simple to warm my stomach. If I didn’t react quickly like I did, it was going to affect my breathing. Please watch what the cashier puts in your hands. I still cannot believe that this happened. I am 44 and never have been allergic to anything.

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