This is my second Earl Grey of the day, and it just doesn’t compare to the first (Lupicia’s). The bergamot’s not as strong as I’d like, and the green base just isn’t working for me. It’s quite grassy, and while grass plus bright citrus sounds like a perfectly pleasant combination—and I know it can be; I’ve had some wonderful greens with strong natural citrus notes—I’m not enjoying it here. Plus, there’s something about the aroma of the brewed tea that reminds me of stale cigarette smoke. It doesn’t carry through to the flavor, but still. I’m not picking up on the florals, but then I also can’t see any petals in my sample bag (ETA: There actually were some petals; I just have terrible lighting in my apartment). This was interesting to try, and now I know that green EGs aren’t really my thing. Thanks for the sample, Nicole_Martin!