Following 300 Tea Drinkers

Chrislovestea 24 followers

I am from Atlanta, Georgia, and I used to live in Japan. I love tea. Indian b...

Cassandra Koenig 15 followers

Heh. I’ve changed a lot since high school..I think personally for the best. I...

councilof1 9 followers

I run, fly fish, spend time with my children, and work. I am overly tense fo...

elizabeth ann 8 followers

i like to knit, read, do yoga, and knit tea. pretty much in any order

Rex Barrett 23 followers

A tea lover with a bent towards doing GOOD. I direct ProjectOKC, a group of o...

Tamara Fox 51 followers

I’m a book-lover and fiction writer and, I must confess, a tea addict :)

Heyes 65 followers

Not as active here as I once was. My ratings less than 10 – Undrinkable 10 –...

MH_Bonham 25 followers

Author of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Pet Books, teaophile, ninja, martial a...



In the mountains where I roam /
I seek for Tea far from home /
Drink with me, I’ll drink with You /
There is much to think, much to do /
The Moon is Bright, The Sun is Light /
The Night is chill beneath the Stars /
And we have Tea upon the fire /
So let us drink The Pensive Brew !


! Steep on The Path to Enlightenment !


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