drank Je M'Appelle Dorothée by THEODOR
2955 tasting notes

This smells wonderful, sweet, and fruity … but I am approaching with caution because of the plentifulicity (good word, don’t you think?) of the h-word.

However, I have it steeping in the sun on the porch of Shabby House and we’ll see how the experiment progresses.

(and later…)

After running errands and grabbing lunch at a funky little retro soda shop called the Bradbury Bishop Deli (very Route 66 in atmosphere), I came back to find a beautiful ruby-red jar of steepness on my front porch.

The thing about sun tea is that it’s not a very exact science. Proportions and steep times aren’t very uniform. So this test run tasted pretty heavy on the hibiscus, and all the potentially wonderful fruity flavors were kind of mushed together. I couldn’t pick up on anything separate like banana or cherry. A little sugar tamed the tart, and it’s still a nice fruity cooler on yet…another…stiflingly…hot…afternoon.

Just wondering, how do the rest of you feel about drinking fruity teas like this hot? I can’t seem to get past the notion that these flavor blends are summer-only.

Much gratitude for Doulton, the sponsor of this treat and front-porch laboratory experiement.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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