4 Tasting Notes


Very pleasantly surprised by this! This was my first time trying gunpowder, so I’m definitely interested in trying gunpowder on its own soon. The little rolled up leaves are so cute, as are the bright green mint leaves in this blend. A very pretty blend, if I do say so. The mint was strong, almost overpowering when I brewed it, but I guess that could be because I was having it iced. I have yet to try it hot but iced with or without sugar is great. Still minty, but not too overdone.

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drank Royal Coconut by Tealuxe
4 tasting notes

I think this one works pretty well both unsweetened and sweetened. Not too strong, and great smelling. It was a present from my little sister when she went to Boston.

4 min, 45 sec

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Not too bad, and one time I even got to eat it with sushi, because I kept this tea sampler at my work and had late night sushi ordered. Nothing spectacular, but not bad, either. And it is a much yellower color than green.

2 min, 30 sec

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Very nice. Not bitter, don’t need to use sugar or milk with it (haven’t tried yet, though). Smells extremely spicy, which I like, but I don’t taste the spices too strongly in the cup.

5 min, 0 sec

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