Grab bag sample from MissB! Almost nearing the end of these, and have been so excited about them.

I had a feeling that I wouldn’t be the biggest fan of this because of the classic clashing ingredients in here, namely cinnamon and hibiscus. You see, I normally always cold steep hibiscus-based blends, and they turn out better that way because the dry tartness of the hibiscus is kept at bay this way, plus the fruits that usually accompany the hibiscus make these types of blends refreshing. But then this cinnamon throws a monkey wrench into things. It doesn’t translate the best into a cold brew. Seems out of place.

So, trying this hot, yes, the cinnamon is warming, the berries are like jam, but that hibiscus gets so syrupy and tart when steeped hot, consequently taking over the entire show. Can’t win with such a combination, I’m afraid.

I’m down to 57 freaking teas! But. My American Tea Room Black Friday order just came in so looks like that super sweet, low number didn’t last so long.

MissB 9 years ago

Aw, so happy that you’re happy about the grab bag stuff, even still! :)

Fjellrev 9 years ago

I can’t thank you enough!

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MissB 9 years ago

Aw, so happy that you’re happy about the grab bag stuff, even still! :)

Fjellrev 9 years ago

I can’t thank you enough!

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