Many thanks to Lala for passing some down! As soon as I tore open the packet, I caught a whiff of Zhena’s Gypsy Tea’s Coconut Chai, and sure enough, it tastes almost the exact same. This may be a little bit smoother. The cardamom also tastes a little stronger in this one, at least from memory. Huge cardamom fan here, so yay.
I also dumped in some almond nog and the flavours go very well together. Now I’m just sitting here waiting for Guinness plum pudding to finish in the oven.
Haha. I just had a Zhena’s Coconut Chai eggnog latte. :D YUM! (Also, Guinness plum pudding what?)
That plum pudding was sure spiked with Guinness. I actually ended up not caring for it. The bitterness from the stout detracted from the rum and sweet nuances from the fruit.