Teavana is what started this huge tea journey for me years ago and while I have mostly moved on to other tea companies that have better quality teas that are typically cheaper, I still come back to Teavana once in a while to see what they have to offer. When they came out with the new teas this year I wasn’t particularly excited. I know most of their teas have too much add-ons and not enough tea and their straight are typically too expensive.

Anywho, to this actual tea. When I finally went onto the site to see what new stuff they added I was surprised to see a decent straight green tea that wasn’t $20 for 2 oz. Granted this was close to that but I decided I had to try it. I wasn’t very disappointing either. The first steep was really nice! It was fresh and slightly creamy and sweet with a hint of umami. Yum! It almost reminded me of a Japanese green tea. Very delicious!

Now the what’s keeping me from rating this any higher, because based on the first steep this would be a lot higher, is the second steep. The first steep holds so much wonderfulness, the second steep…well, not so much. It seems that the first steep takes everything good out of the tea and just leaves behind a typical green tea. Not to say that the second steep is bad, just not nearly as good as the first. The second steep leaves a lot to be desired is the best way I can put it.

At any rate the first steeping of this tea is pretty delicious and I wouldn’t lose an ounce of sleep if all I ever get out of this tea is only the first one.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec
Babble 12 years ago

Bummer that this tea isn’t as good for resteeping, but looking forward to trying it! :)

Invader Zim 12 years ago

It’s definitely worth trying for the first steeping though, it’s really good. It does suck that it doesn’t resteep very well but c’est la vie.

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Babble 12 years ago

Bummer that this tea isn’t as good for resteeping, but looking forward to trying it! :)

Invader Zim 12 years ago

It’s definitely worth trying for the first steeping though, it’s really good. It does suck that it doesn’t resteep very well but c’est la vie.

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I’m an avid tea drinker, it’s what I drink all day and why I’m here. I don’t sweeten my teas except for the occasional iced tea or cold-brewed tea. I typically brew my teas with a brew basket in a 12 oz cup. If I brew another way I will always note it.

Dislikes: black teas, milk flavored oolongs, hibiscus, red rooibos, licorice, dessert teas, mate, guayusa.

Loves: straight teas, especially Chinese green teas, sencha, jasmine, dan congs, mint, coconut.

My ratings are based mostly on the smiley faces. If a tea is of good quality but not to my taste preference I try not to rate it because I think that is unfair.

I drink a lot of the same teas and will not record every time I drink them. I log them the first time I try them and then again if I did something different and/or got different results.

I also try to keep my cupboard updated to what I actually have for those that wish to swap, although some of them are merely samples.

100 – http://steepster.com/teas/verdant-tea/32720-hand-rolled-top-grade-jasmine



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