I opened the bag and was awash in a divine smell! Full citrus smell, oranges and lemons but not like dish-soap, just very fresh and crisp and yummy! It tastes just like it smells, delicious! There is a bit of the earthiness from the actual rooibos, but the citrus flavors have the limelight here! (Yes, I know that’s my second terrible joke today.) There might be some sort of mint to it. I could be wrong, but there’s this hint of something tingly like mint, may just be the citrus though. Either way once this sample runs out, or even before it does, I have all intentions of buying more, it’s just so good!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m an avid tea drinker, it’s what I drink all day and why I’m here. I don’t sweeten my teas except for the occasional iced tea or cold-brewed tea. I typically brew my teas with a brew basket in a 12 oz cup. If I brew another way I will always note it.

Dislikes: black teas, milk flavored oolongs, hibiscus, red rooibos, licorice, dessert teas, mate, guayusa.

Loves: straight teas, especially Chinese green teas, sencha, jasmine, dan congs, mint, coconut.

My ratings are based mostly on the smiley faces. If a tea is of good quality but not to my taste preference I try not to rate it because I think that is unfair.

I drink a lot of the same teas and will not record every time I drink them. I log them the first time I try them and then again if I did something different and/or got different results.

I also try to keep my cupboard updated to what I actually have for those that wish to swap, although some of them are merely samples.

100 – http://steepster.com/teas/verdant-tea/32720-hand-rolled-top-grade-jasmine



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