As I read up on the notes I’ve previously written about this tea, I see that a bit has changed with my neighbours and my communication with them. I understand the situation there more and I have communicated more directly and more clearly with them. Yes, I am still being disturbed, but less. They have made several accommodations to lessen their impact on me, but essentially, the load all falls on the woman next door because her man is thoughtless and clueless. Other less savoury descriptors come to mind as well. And clearly has entitlement issues that sadly she has to suffer the results of. But, hey, she chose him while I did not.
Last weekend, he had a male friend or two over which led to hours and hours of talking and incredibly annoying laughter against our adjoining wall.
In the wee hours, perhaps two or so, I assume there was an argument with his wife as their front door slammed hard, waking me up. A few hours later, there was a stream of cursing when I assume he came home from wherever he ran to and found that door locked. Of course, waking me up again. Nevermind that their baby regularly wakes me up in the night and disturbs me during the day.
I haven’t mentioned being woken by this latest thing to them. Add it to the dozens of times that I have been woken up by them in various ways. How does one even start?
That said, this week has, thankfully, been a bit better. I am certainly delighted that she is putting up with less of his nonsense.
This tea may be one that I continue stocking in my cupboard. The bitter roast of the coffee contrasts beautifully with the rich caramel sweetness. The caramel flavour imitates the type that is thoroughly caramelized, the kind that is a few seconds from being burnt.