135 Tasting Notes
I was so worried about trying another Tea Forte sample. I just haven’t been enjoying the single-steep samples! Waiting for it to finish brewing, I prepared myself for the worst. Maybe I just don’t like tisanes….
I do though! This tastes super yummy! The orange and mint lingers on my tongue. Scrumptious!
Burried my nose in this one before starting. Really sweet smelling. I mean REALLY. Ever drink flavor syrup straight? I did once. It’s like that.
Now for the drinking part. Yum! I used a bit too much water so it’s a little weak, but It’s nice! Doing a nice job getting the “Cosmo-not” off of my palate. Doesn’t need sugar folks. It’s plenty sweet by itself!
I’d call it a bitter, hot, cherry coke. The smell reminded me of a stale cocktail. I’m thankful for the sample but this is a big nuh-uh from me. I think I can bring myself to finish the cup, but I really can’t wait to brew something else to wash my mouth out…