26 Tasting Notes
~8g off of a 25g sample. I found this really balanced with a mellow bitter note coming in by the second steeping that was balanced by a sweetness and full almost buttery body. I found flavors of hay and a floral aroma. The bitterness came in with woody notes. Overall I really enjoyed this! Not overly sweet or bitter.
Flavors: Bitter, Butter, Floral, Grass, Hay, Wood, Yogurt
I used about 9g from a 25g sample. I really enjoyed this session. The early steeps sweet but not overwhelmingly so. The tea was very full and had an almost oily thickness in the first few steeps before it thinned out some. There was a note of bitterness, but it was mostly in the finish. The main flavor was a grassy note blended with a bit of flowers and a mineral dryness in the back of the mouth. Everything was fairly balanced and I wouldnt call this particularly complex.
First steep
- sweet, honey, grass/hay, light to medium body. Straw color. Light bitterness
- thickened up. Hint of bitterness in the far finish. Mineral?
8g from a 25g sample. I tasted this right after tasting the 2015 version and will include comparisons here.
The tea started off moderately bitter/astringent. In the early steepings I noted caramel or honey sweetness and a floral note. A minute or two after taking a sip I would get a strong apricot or stone fruit aftertaste which made me want to drink slowly so that I could enjoy it. By around the 4th infusion the fruitiness came forward with apricot or maybe peach. The bitter notes were still present, and included a grassy/woody flavor, but were well balanced with the sweetness.
Compared to the 2015, I thought this was significantly more bitter. I got more peach/cream from 2015 where as 2016 was apricot and floral. At this point, if you don’t want bitterness, go with the 2015, or maybe wait a while on this to see if that ages out. I personally would enjoy drinking the 2016 first thing in the morning, whereas the 2015 would be nicer as a mid-afternoon easy drink.
Flavors: Apricot, Bitter, Floral, Grass, Honey, Peach, Sweet
Using 8g of a 25g sample. I heard this described as a dessert tea and have to agree. The first few steepings had strong flavors of peach and stone fruit with a nice creamy texture. The cup smelled of overly sweet berries. By the 3rd or 4th steeping I started to get a slight bitter note and a grassy taste. Overall a very sweet and mellow tea.
I tasted a sample of the 2016 right after. 2016 is much more bitter right now and a bit less creamy. I would have trouble picking a favorite as each was good but a bit different at this point.
Flavors: Berries, Cream, Grass, Peach
Got a sample of this thanks to Liquid Proust. I found it very smooth and enjoyable. Another reviewer has it pegged when they said topsoil. The longer you steep this, the more earthy flavors come out. I was able to get about 12 infusions before the flavors faded. For the price this seems like a good value.
This started off very full bodied with some notes of mushroom, wood, chocolate and vanilla. Very smooth and thick. The flavors faded slightly and the tea became sweeter as we went through the steepings, but it lasted 10+ steepings easily and probably would go further. Between Old Reliable, Brown Sugar, and this, I preferred Pretty Girls.
Flavors: Chocolate, Forest Floor, Mushrooms, Vanilla, Wood
From a 25g sample. I found this very smooth and a bit sweet. Lots of woody/earthy notes but they blended in and formed more of a background rather than being assertive and upfront. The taste did not change much steeping to steeping but just slowly faded.