3 Tasting Notes


I thought this was a beautiful tea on the occasions I didn’t underbrew it. It was too easy to do for me unfortunately, it always turned out best when it was walked away from and forgotten about for 10 minutes. If it was made in a pot, the second cup was always best. I’ve finished my whole packet though and I think I would repurchase next time I am in the CBD and no other flavours jump out at me first.
As with all my black teas: white with one, thanks love.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Australian Afternoon by Twinings
3 tasting notes

This tea is always, ALWAYS in my cupboard. We were so sad when this limited edition’s time was up and it disappeared off the supermarket shelves.
The day we spotted it on our weekly shop with the banner proudly proclaiming “Back and Here To Stay” was truly high-five worthy. It’s robust, slightly sweet and perfect any time of the day.
As with all my black teas, white with one, thanks love.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Turkish Apple by T2
3 tasting notes

Made iced tea with this one. It came as part of a bundle.
The first glass out of the jug tasted like something from my childhood – maybe the little plastic straws full of sugary sherbet that one would find in a showbag? Complete with faint plastic undertones reminiscent of chewing on said plastic straw to make sure one got every last granule of sherbet out of the sweet treat’s packaging. Something close to that anyway. I wasn’t sure I liked it so I had another glass. Same story. The jug sat in the fridge for 2 weeks being ignored and last night I had another glass. Well, it had changed quite a bit and was milder and less sherbety than it had been. Rather delightful actually! Perhaps I brewed it too hot in my T2 iced tea jug initially? Not sure, I probably won’t purchase it again to find out though, 2 weeks is a bit longer than I like to brew my tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 8 tsp 68 OZ / 2000 ML

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