This is a tea I kind of forgot I have, which is surprising because my collection is not that big. I just don’t drink a lot of white tea. I bought it either year of or year after and it’s picked up some odor from my tea drawer. Zip-locks permeate odors, folks. The first couple steeps where storage flavor is present aren’t that interesting otherwise, anyway, mostly just sweet.

As I said, I don’t drink much white tea so I don’t have many reference points to draw on. Reminded me a lot of the Taiwanese mountain oolongs I used to drink. Notes of pine, slight citrus zest, general floral notes (maybe orchid, gardenia, jasmine, maybe violet) and nice sweetness. In the later steeps it’s stronger on the tree-vegetal/pine notes. Pleasantly dry, with a mouthfeel that moves from round to softly dry. I was able to push the temp on this pretty hard in the later steeps, going from 185-205’F which brought out more pine and green wood notes.

I remember this tea being more astringent and vegetal, and less sweet when I first tried it, so I think aging has helped it a bit.

Flavors: Floral, Honey, Pine

190 °F / 87 °C 3 g 45 OZ / 1330 ML

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I enjoy Dian Hong mostly, but have been venturing further into puerh, and anxi and dancong. I tend to focus on daily drinkers and teas that do well grandpa/western as I don’t have the time or caffeine tolerance to gong fu frequently.

90 – 100: Fancy daily, special occasion, teas that I carefully ration.
80 – 89: Ideal daily drinker range, very good and/or hits an excellent cost:quality. Would reorder.
70 – 79: Not an absolute favorite tea but I would pick often, or hits a certain flavor profile I like. Might reorder.
60 – 69: Generally disfavorable, but not actively bad.
<59: something has gone terribly wrong.

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