Following 41 Tea Drinkers

Arby 161 followers

I am a biochem major hoping for a career in research genetics and evolutionar...

Babble 253 followers

So the short story is, a few years ago I was VERY MUCH into tea. And then a l...

Inkay 55 followers

I like tea, mostly unflavored. I drink all tea, with a preference for teas fr...

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yyz 312 followers

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Follow me on Instagram under the same user name for more tea related pics and...

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Favorite Tea Type: Darker oolong and sheng puerh Rating Scale: 90-100: Amazin...

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I am a trained Cicerone (Beer sommelier) attempting to transfer my palette an...



Hey, guys. I am a Chinese living in Yunnan, where puer tea is widely planted and consumed.
our tea

I am from Fujian, and i grew up drinking tea without learning too much knowledge about it. I just can tell whether the tea is of good quality by tasting it( only chinese black tea and puer). That’s why i am here to taste the world of teas here.

Ask me anything if you want to know about Chinese Black Tea and puer.




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