drank Cocomint Cream by DAVIDsTEA
17 tasting notes

So Maybe. Just maybe. I do like Coconut. Because every tea with coconut in it I enjoy.


I just got this with my tea that I ordered from Davids. I think that I have had it before but I never wrote about it. This tea is wonderful. Just straight off the back. It has a very strong minty taste. If that is what you enjoy. Personally there is nothing better then having a strong mint tea. But this one just takes the cake. The mint in this tea is hardy and it is bold. It will demand your attention and make you pay attention to it, but that isn’t the cherry of the tea.

The best part is the subtle hint of the coconut. When I say subtle I mean subtle like a marching band. WHile the mint might be strong the true flavor comes out with the taste of the coconut. IT alters the taste the tea to make you literally look at your cup and say wow. You will want to sip slower and fully embrace the rich flavor of the tea and stick your nose in your cup to smell the flavor.

I have said that I don’t like coconut. But I think these teas are slowly changing my mind to this fruit. Anyways Happy Drinking!

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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…my name is Ed..and I like tea.



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