Oh man, my backlog has grown exponentially since I received my order from Teabox. I have been mowing down Darjeeling samples at an unbelievable rate ever since. Naturally, I am now making an effort to start catching back up on my reviews. I think this was one of the free samples I received with my order. I’ve never been huge on teas from the Mim Estate since they always strike me as being a little too vegetal, but then again, I had only tried one prior to this one. Unfortunately, it did not change my opinion.

I prepared this tea in the Western style. I steeped about 3 grams of loose leaf material in 8 ounces of 194 F water for 5 minutes. I did not attempt any additional infusions.

Prior to infusion, the dry tea leaves emitted aromas that were somewhat floral, herbal, and vegetal. After infusion, I detected aromas of mango, wood, grass, hay, fennel, and Muscatel. In the mouth, there were notes of malt, toast, grass, hay, lemongrass, fennel, kale, and collard greens balanced by notes of fresh flowers, wood, mango, apricot, peach, Muscatel, and smoke. The finish was clean and vegetal, offering lingering flavors of grass, hay, greens, wood, smoke, and malt.

This tea started off in an interesting manner, but quickly became a little too vegetal for my liking. It wasn’t bad, but I did not find it all that appealing. I have no doubt that some people may really like this tea. I just do not think that I will ever be one of them. To me, this was pretty good and nothing more.

Flavors: Apricot, Fennel, Flowers, Grass, Green, Hay, Kale, Lemongrass, Malt, Mango, Muscatel, Peach, Smoke, Toast, Vegetal

5 min, 0 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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My grading criteria for tea is as follows:

90-100: Exceptional. I love this stuff. If I can get it, I will drink it pretty much every day.

80-89: Very good. I really like this stuff and wouldn’t mind keeping it around for regular consumption.

70-79: Good. I like this stuff, but may or may not reach for it regularly.

60-69: Solid. I rather like this stuff and think it’s a little bit better-than-average. I’ll drink it with no complaints, but am more likely to reach for something I find more enjoyable than revisit it with regularity.

50-59: Average. I find this stuff to be more or less okay, but it is highly doubtful that I will revisit it in the near future if at all.

40-49: A little below average. I don’t really care for this tea and likely won’t have it again.

39 and lower: Varying degrees of yucky.

Don’t be surprised if my average scores are a bit on the high side because I tend to know what I like and what I dislike and will steer clear of teas I am likely to find unappealing.



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