

Hi there! Well I have ALWAYS enjoyed and loved tea. There are so many different kinds, I always grab a new box or bag when I hit the stores…so my cupboard is very full :) I have been a HUGE iced coffee drinker as well…which I am trying to cut down on. Once fall rolls around its on to hot teas and off the coffee!! So I saw this site on my facebook page and thought great!!! I will learn about other fun and tasty teas and then I can try them!!! I hope to do the same for others :) Im 26yrs old , I live with my b/f of 2 yrs in a nice town called Woodstock CT. (If anyone wants to venture out…there is a tea shop out here called Miss Bridges.) Its pretty well known, has been around for a while. If you’re a real connoisseur and want to try in when in CT, I recommend it! Its very cozy and they offer a food menu along with the tea and pastry menu. They sell tea and accessories and also a bit of Britsh brand foods and treats :) Here is the website, Anyways…nice to meet everyone!!!


Eastern CT