I got an awesome Tay Tea sampler full of morning teas from my mother’s friend for Christmas. I absolutely loved every single one of them (especially the Kyoto) and I just had to review them! Although I had never heard of this company before, it is fast becoming one of my new faves. It has nice, full, beautifully curled leaves. The flowers make it aesthetically pretty. This tea is absolutely wonderful! It has that wonderful smoky flavor that is usually expected with most Oolongs, but what it was missing was what truly made this a new fave. I’ve found it hard to find Oolongs that aren’t bitter and have sharp aftertastes, but this one was VERY smooth (I think maybe because of the chrysanthemum flowers). The 2nd and 3rd steeping were a little weaker but heavy enough to still be delicious. The roasted taste made this tea a wonderful tea to start a cold winter morning. Overall, I would definitely recommend everyone give this one a try.
See my full review:
Flavors: Smoke, Smooth