I do not like vegetal greens. I do not like them, Sam I am. I love toasted greens, like Hojicha and Genmaicha, which are probably my two very favorite teas ever.

The descriptor mentioned a “nutty” flavor to this tea, and I decided to try it, thinking it might have a bit of toastiness to it. Oh, but the drooliemeister guessed totally wonky on that one!

This is a very vegetal, very spinachy tasting tea. If there’s one tea flavor I have a big aversion to it’s spinach. I cannot abide it, and this tea is almost exclusively spinachy. I also tried it at school, where brewing conditions aren’t optimal, and overbrewed it, so I got a bitter note on top of spinach. And it lingered. Three generous sips, and the rest went down the drain on my way to try the other tea we ordered.

Someone who likes spinachy notes may well like it. It is simply not for me. I don’t feel right leaving a number rating and skewing the data, so I won’t. I can say a friend of mine likes it quite a bit, and that’s good, since she can drink the rest and it won’t go to waste.

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My very first ever mug of tea was Bigelow’s Constant Comment, when I was about eight or nine. We also always had Lipton when I was growing up. While I almost never drink that now, it was my gateway, and I brewed it strong and on the stout side.

These days I tend to favor black teas, but hojicha and genmaicha are everyday go-to teas for me, too. Anything toasty is good. I’m not a fan of vegetal green tea flavors at all, though I will drink flavored greens if the flavors mask the veggie taste. For the most part, I cannot abide herbals. I’m not a fan of red rooibos, though I do have a couple of green rooibos teas that I like on occasion. I’m not a tea snob by any means, while I tend toward loose tea these days, I’m not above drinking bagged tea as well, as long as it’s decent stuff.

My day job is teaching (middle school), and in the summers I work for our city’s parks department (swimming pools).

In my off time, I am a voracious reader. I also love music and movies. My tastes can be quite eclectic.

I’m plagued by chronic migraines and fibromyalgia, but I manage to be pretty functional, despite the curves they throw at me.

I’ve not much thought about a rating scale, but here goes, on the fly…

90-100: Tea that I like a great deal, or even love. Tea that I will always replace when I run out.

80-89: Tea that is quite pleasant, and wouldn’t turn down. Tea that would probably be replenished at some point.

70-79: Tea that drinkable, though not particularly special. Ho hum stuff.

60-69: Tea that I have to be in the mood for, and that I wouldn’t be lost without.

50-59: Tea that isn’t impressive, though I’d likely finish the cup.

40-49: Tea that I sip on for a while, trying to find something redeeming, but that I usually dump and swap out for something else halfway through.

30-39: Tea that is only just drinkable, as in any-port-in-a-storm. If it wasn’t a storm situation, it’s probably something I’d dump and forget.

20-29: Teas that get dumped after only a sip or two, because they aren’t my cup of tea at all.

0-19: Tea that gives tea a bad name. Teas that I can’t stand, I find highly inferior, and are just plain vile and nasty.



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