314 Tasting Notes


Soft aroma has malt and a hint of fruit. The taste is rich with only a bit of tannin. Not terribly complex, but really good.
Thanks to *Stacy at Butiki Tea* for putting this box together

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Dong Ding #1 by Educational TTB 2
314 tasting notes

Strong spice aroma and taste. Rich and dark with a hint of molasses. Good but straightforward.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Pu-Erh #6 by Educational TTB 2
314 tasting notes

“Discarded 20 s rinse.
First steep : I meant to only do 3 oz for 1.5 grams, but my usual pour is 6 and I was on autopilot this morning. I then tried to make up for it by doing a 45 s steep; totally confusing. This means the tea is probaby weak by Pu-Erh standards. The nose is light and earthy with a hint of fruit. Not sure how to describe the taste; leather isn’t right but it’s as close as I can come. THere is definitely a tarry taste at the finish, which is long but not very powerful.
2nd steep: 3 oz, 70 sec. This is much more powerful. The nose is earthy and herbal. Taste is black pepper.
3rd (3 oz, 1 min, 200 deg): Nose similar to 2nd. Taste is lighter and more fruity.
4th (3 oz, 1 min, 200 deg): Soft, fruity nose with hint of spice. Tastes of tar.
This was very interesting, but the flavors don’t appeal to me. Seems like more trouble than it was worth.”

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec 1 g 3 OZ / 88 ML

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Powerful aroma of veggies. Taste is powerful, with grassy/veggie flavors. Good finish is a bit too astringent for my taste. This seems like a good tea, but I’m not really into the veggie flavor.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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It may have been a mistake to start the day with a green tea. I’m finding it difficult to find much flavor in this cup. The nose had hints of veggies and grass. The taste is clean, with straw and grass flavors. The finish is a bit more astringent than I like, but otherwise OK.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Jin Si Luo by Educational TTB 2
314 tasting notes

The dry tea has a clever spiral-wrapped shape. The disadvantage of this style is that it takes a long time to unwind. I gave it 2 extra minutes to steep from my usual 3 minutes. Weak nose. Rich straw/grass flavor. Some spice appears in the finish, which is long but not very powerful. Nice, but unspectacular. To be honest, the only distinguishing character is how it looks.
Thanks to *Stacy at Butiki Tea* for putting this box together

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

Was this tea named after you? :)

Dr Jim

Oh no: it’s a Freudian slip (or bad typing). It should have been JIN.

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Soft grassy/spicy taste. Rich, buttery taste, magnificent finish.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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I need a break from the Pu-Erh, so decided to start in on the green tea. This has a nice soft nose: straw with a hint of veggies. The taste is clean and simple: mostly grass and straw. Good mouth-feel. Good finish. This is my favorite style of green tea; a perfect break from the pu-erh.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Pu-Erh #2 by Educational TTB 2
314 tasting notes

“I used 1.6 grams in 3 oz water. 1 minute steep following 20 sec rinse. The nose is lovely: soft and fruity. Soft round flavor continues the fruit. This is great! Now I start to understand what all the excitement about Pu-erh is all about. Excellent finish. After a few sips I began to notice an earthy bitterness in the finish. This bitterness grew, spoiling the tea for me. This dragged my rating from about 91 to where it wound up.
Second steep (212 deg) adds a bit of grass to the fruit in the aroma. Taste is grassy, and more austere. Again, the bitterness grows as I drink. Perhaps this is why gaiwans are so popular with Pu-erh drinkers?
Third steep (200 deg): Nose is becoming dark and earthy but I still smell fruit and grass. Still very powerful. Not much bitterness in the taste, but it shows up powerfully in the finish, which is long enough to mix into the taste on subsequent sips.”
Thanks to Stacy at Butiki Tea for putting this box together

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 g 3 OZ / 88 ML

I drank this one too but spelled puerh differently. I found it very bitter too

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The leaves are extremely dark for a “green” tea. Darker than any Darjeeling I’ve ever had; almost black. No real difference in color between this and the plain purple tea. Smells like a green tea: grass and veggies. Tastes green as well. This tea has a great mouth-feel: big and rich. I don’t really notice the veggies in the taste, which I consider a good thing. Long, rich finish. I should time the finish: it goes on for minutes. As I drink, I am noticing a growing astringency; Not unpleasant but strong enough to overcome the nice body of the tea.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 g 6 OZ / 177 ML

Sounds really interesting. I hope there’s still some of this when the box gets to me. :)

Dr Jim

There should be. The portions of most of the teas are really generous. After I took my 1.5 grams, there was over an ounce left

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Retired engineer/physicist.
My ratings will usually be based on multiple tastings. Oolong teas are generally 3 grams of tea in 6 oz water for 1 minute. Black teas are 1.5 grams of tea in 6 oz water for 3-4 minutes. Pu-erh is 3 grams in 2.5 oz, generally 10, 10, 20, 30, 60 sec. Since I use less tea, 6 sessions is equivalent to twice that many for people who use 7 grams of tea.

My numerical ratings are all based on how much enjoyment I took from the tea. Since I prefer blacks and oolongs, they will receive higher scores. I also give a couple of extra points to decafs, just because I can drink them in the evening without staying up half the night. I don’t dislike flavored teas, but find that they lack the complexity of finer teas.

90-100 = superior, worth a high price
80-89 = Excellent. Will buy again
70-79 = Good tea, but probably won’t buy
60-69 = Nothing really wrong, but…
Below 60 = Wouldn’t drink again. Probably didn’t finish

I am having computer problems and my password is lost. If my computer dies, I won’t be able to access my account, so will need to start a new account as Dr_Jim. This statement vouches for my new identity.



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